Scott Moore |
About the artist) |
"On Church Street"
30" x 40", o/c, $7,500.00
"From the Shore Path"
20" x 40", o/p, $6,000.00
"Late Last Winter"
16" x 20", o/p, $2,500.00
"Lifting Fog"
16" x 20", o/p, $2,500.00
"Passing Shower from Cadillac"
16" x 20", o/p, $2,500.00
"Sand Beach Surf"
16" x 20", o/p, $2,500.00
"Hunters Head"
16" x 20", o/p, $2,500.00
"Across the Tracks"
12" x 16", o/p, $1,600.00
"Overlook Sunset"
8" x 10", o/p, $850.00
8" x 10", o/p, $850.00
"Island Farm, Vinalhaven"
8" x 10", o/p, $850.00
"Muskrat Marsh"
5" x 7", o/p, $400.00
"Studio Cat"
-, -, $0.00
-, -, $0.00
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